Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

I help host an Easter Egg Hunt at our local church for all the children in our neighborhood.

We separate the kids into different age groups and have them search the yard surrounding the church.
We have parents donate prizes and eggs, then reuse the eggs each year. Some years we get larger prizes donated that won't fit into eggs so we put a numbered paper star in eggs and after the hunt, whoever found those eggs gets to pick a larger prize from the basket.

This is the large basket for large prizes - (not my daughter's Easter basket).

We also did a glow-in-the-dark egg hunt in our backyard after seeing the idea a few times online. Our kids loved it. You just curl up a glow-bracelet inside, then use tape to help the egg stay shut.

Images of spring: Two kites stuck in a flowering tree.

Pink blossoms tree.

The Salt Lake City Mormon Temple.

Fresh died Easter Eggs.


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