Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Victorious View on SNAP! Creative Blogger's Conference

I decided to expand my horizons and blog about my view points - on crafting, photography, health, parenting and more.

Today's view is SNAP! Creativity at your fingertips
I'm am so excited to meet other creative bloggers and crafters at this conference at Thanksgiving Point (Utah) next week. The line up of classes and speakers looks incredible. Blogging tips, crafting and photography hands-on workshops, party planning and DIY pros all get covered at this conference. 

On Friday night they are hosting The Queen Bee Market at the Show Barn from 7-9 pm. It is open to the public and is FREE to attend. So even if you can't come to the conference, stop by to socialize and find something fabulous at the market.  It is a an amazing boutique show with crafts, decor, jewelry and more. Take a look at some of the vendors.


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