Monday, April 23, 2012

Moms and Kids Live with Arthritis

I'm a mom and I have arthritis.  My arthritis started when I was 19 and now I have three children.  I worked for the Arthritis Foundation after college and learned that people of any age, including babies and children can get arthritis too.


The type of arthritis I have is called Ankylosing Spondylitis. It is an autoimmune disease similar to Rheumatoid arthritis. It causes the cartilidge between your joints to calcify and fuse together (causing flare-ups of inflammation, stiffness and dibilitating pain) Symptoms often start in the teens or 20's years. It can be hereditary and I worry that I will pass it on to my own children someday.

You can read more about this chronic condition and my story here.

I have created a team to participate in my local Arthritis Walk.  This walk is open to the public and raises funds for arthritis research and community education and exercise programs. I'd love for locals to join my team or for anyone to donate to this cause.

The Salt Lake City Arthritis Walk will take place Saturday, May 5,  2012 at 10 am, at Sugarhouse Park.

Click here to donate or join my team.

Thank you for supporting moms, kids and others with arthritis!


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